
Modern pharmacology and clinical experiments show that the main active components in ginseng are: ginsenosides and ginseng polysaccharides. It has the functions of improving memory, anti-stress, anti-fatigue, anti-aging, anti-virus, hypoglycemic, anti-oxidation and improving immunity; at the same time, it has anti-cancer activity, reversing cancer cells, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, reduce the toxicity of anticancer drugs, etc.

With so many health benefits, correctly choose and take it are very important!
Below is the brief introduction for three kinds of commonly used Ginseng.

1. Ginseng

It is sweet and warm in nature. The effect is great to invigorate vitality (used for massive blood loss caused by acute and chronic diseases), benefit the spleen and lung (ginseng can be used to treat spleen and stomach weakness, improve loss of appetite and indigestion symptoms), soothe the nerves and nourish brain (ginseng has curative effect for all types of neurasthenia).

Be careful when taking ginseng:
1) Avoid drinking tea
At the same time, after taking ginseng, it is best not to drink tea, because tea is rich in a large amount of tannic acid, which will react with ginseng and affect the effect of ginseng.
2) Avoid eating relieving qi and irritating foods, such as white radish, grapes, etc., which will reduce the efficacy of ginseng.
3) Use with caution in very strong and energetic people.

2. Red Ginseng

After steaming and drying, called it "red ginseng". It has a strong qi tonifying effect. It is often a good tonic in winter. It is hot and dry in nature. First aid to restore Yang, it is good at invigorating vitality, nourishing qi and blood, suitable for patients with extreme qi deficiency, weak pulse, with heart failure and cardiogenic shock.

Be careful when taking red ginseng:
1) Avoid excessive nourishment.
Excessive supplementation of nutrients in the human body may cause problems such as anger or palpitation and shortness of breath.
2) Avoid drinking tea
Avoid eating relieving qi and irritating foods, such as white radish, cucumber, pepper, etc., which will reduce the efficacy of red ginseng.
3) Use with caution in hot constitution and children
As a nourishing medicine, red ginseng is naturally not suitable for everyone, and it is not suitable for people with hot constitution and children.

3, American ginseng
It is cold in nature, bitter in taste, slightly sweet, can enter and boost the heart, lung, and kidney meridians. It has the effects of invigorating qi and nourishing yin, clearing fire and invigorating body fluid. Exogenous fever or internal injury for a long time leads to the symptoms of tiredness and thirst, internal heat and thirst, and dry mouth caused by deficiency of body fluid.

Be careful when taking American ginseng:
1) Avoid drinking tea
2) Use with caution in cold constitution and women during menstrual period.